About us
We help authors generate an income by hosting their stories and providing a flexible method for authors to generate an income and of course paying for the hosting of this site and maintaining it.
Authors can submit their stories for free and readers can read the stories for free, this is part of the business plan to remove the cost barriers to authors by making publication free attract more readers by making stories free to read.
Authors can generate money from adverts they link to their stories. Every time part of an authors story is displayed to a reader their advert is also displayed*. These adverts may be ´PPV - Pay per view adverts´ (where the author gets paid based on their advert views) ´PPC - Pay per click adverts´ (where the author gets paid based clicks on their adverts) ´PPA - Pay per action adverts´ (where the author gets paid a fee based on reader actions) or the author may use their advert space to link to another website (this could be their own site where they can sell other items or some other way benefit from the link).
Where using PPC, PPV, PPA payments to authors are made directly by the company providing the advert such as Amazon etc. Most advertising companies that provide hosted adverts that authors can display with their stories also provide online statistics so authors can see how much they are earning. The more popular their stories and more story pages the more money authors can generate. In general most of the companies that provide PPC, PPV, PPA adverts will pay you anywhere in the world or pay into a Paypal account that you can transfer into your bank account.
How do we make money? Of course we need to make some money to cover our development / maintenance costs, hosting costs and generate an income; which we do by using the same process we provide for authors, namely from displayed adverts or website links.
* Authors can either provide a single advert or a number of different adverts for different chapters / countries or the whole world to help maximize their incomes.
If you have any questions please contact us.