How to earn money from your short story, novel, manuscript or poem
Every author has an advertising space allocated to them in the right hand column (below on small screen devices) of each of their story pages. This area is shown in the yellow box headed Author's advertising area on this page.
Authors can earn money from this area by using it to promote:
- Their own goods / services or
- Link to their own website (so they can earn money from their own sales) or
- Promote affiliate products / services (where you can earn affiliate commissions on sales) or
- Displaying PPV / PPC / PPA advertising (where money is paid to you from the advertiser / marketing agent).
If you do not have anthing of your own to promote, we suggest using an affiliate program, click here for more information (which includes companies that will provide you with affiliate adverts you can use to earn money). Commissions, typically vary from 5% to 90%.
Authors get 100% of the benefits
Every author can use their advertising area to earn money or create some other benefit providing it is legal/ethical/and not offensive and complies with our Terms and conditions.
Promoting multiple products or services
Authors are not limited to promoting one item in their advertising space they can promote as many items they wish in their advertising space.
There are three basic ways to promote multiple products or services.
- 1) Enter links to multiple products / services in your advertising area.
- 2) Enter a link to your own webpage / website.
- 3) Use a combination of option 1 & 2.
If you have more than a few products / services to promote we suggest using option 2 or 3.
Using images
You can use images in your adverts however animated images are NOT allowed, as this can be very irritating to readers. If you do not know how to do this you can refer to our help information or ask for someone to help you for a nominal fee.
Images ideally need to be sized to a maximum of 315 pixels wide by 400 pixels high. Other image sizes can be automatically adjusted to fit into the available space.
Marketing your own products/services
If you have your own products (i.e. books etc.) or services, you can promote them in your advertising space. In general if you are promoting multiple products/services we recommend that you create/use your own website (you can use a free website or blog) and add a link to it in your advertising space. In this way you can have a huge amount of space to promote as many things as you wish.
Marketing affiliate products/services
If you do not have your own products or services to market, you can promote affiliate products/services. We suggest that you visit companies like or do a search for affiliate marketing on your favortite search engine. A list of the top rated affiliate companies are here. If you wish to promote multiple products / services you can do this on your own website (you can use a free website or blog) and add a link to it in your advertising space.
PPV / PPC / PPA advertising
You can also use your advertising area to display PPV (Pay per view) / PPC (Pay per click) / PPA (Pay per action) etc. advertising.
You can either do this with a private advertiser or with an advertising agent. A benefit of using an advertising agent is that they will typically provide you with code to use in your advertising area that will promote a range of items. The advertising agent will then pay you based on the advert views or advert actions.
Increasing your income
The more times your advert is displayed the more potential you have to earn more income. There are two factors that affect the number of advert views you will receive, firstly the more you write the more page views you can expect to get and secondly the more likes you get the more likely people will be to read your story. So prolific writers submitting good stories can be expected to earn more money.
In addition to the quality and quantity, what you advertise will also have an significant influence on your income. In general marketing your own products/services or affiliate products/services will generate more income than PPV / PPC / PPA advertising. We suggest that you advertise products or services that will be of general interest to the readers so that you will get a reasonable response rate (more money).
Setting up your advert
You need to be a member and have submitted at least one story/chapter or poem before you can add an advert. If you are not a member you can join here for free. Members can add a money / benefit generating advert after they have added their first story.
After adding your advert, it will be displayed every time your story is displayed*.
If you have added multiple stories you can optionally add a different advert to each story. One of the benefits of using multiple adverts is that you can have different adverts, each one tailored to the content of particular story or you can simply promote multiple things.
* Note Adverts will not be displayed until a members registration has been confirmed or during any period while an account has been suspended either by the user or as a result of failing to comply with the terms and conditions. Advert display is also dependent on any demographic settings used by the member. Please refer to our terms and conditions.